CitroSqueeze® Green

High-Performance Fabric Detergent

Biodegradable, environmentally friendly, removes hydrocarbons, grease, and grime.

CitroSqueeze® Green
Fabric Detergent
32oz Pre-treatment Bottle

Biodegradable, environmentally friendlyRemoves hydrocarbons, grease, and grimeSuitable for:Industrial workwear and safety apparelSports uniformsHigh-performance fabricsMilitary Tactical Jackets, shirt..



CitroSqueeze® Green
Fabric Detergent
1 Gallon

Biodegradable, environmentally friendlyRemoves hydrocarbons, grease, and grimeSuitable for:Industrial workwear and safety apparelSports uniformsHigh-performance fabricsMilitary Tactical Jackets, shirt..



CitroSqueeze® Green
Fabric Detergent
5 Gallon

Biodegradable, environmentally friendlyRemoves hydrocarbons, grease, and grimeSuitable for:Industrial workwear and safety apparelSports uniformsHigh-performance fabricsMilitary Tactical Jackets, shirt..


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