The Art of Layering

Introducing Lakeland’s FR Layering System

Lakeland’s layering system is a lightweight inherent moisture management system that includes base layer to outerwear.

As your activity level increases, you shouldn’t notice a difference in overall dryness. Permanent moisture wicking fibers in your layering system should work to keep you dry with every added layer, so you never feel wet on the job.

As temperatures fluctuate, your layering system should work with you to keep you both dry and warm. Your mobility level should not be compromised by your FR clothing.

A layering system designed to function effectively in every climate, regardless of activity level, is the ultimate goal.

Stay focused on the task at hand and safe on the job with a layering system that performs for you in every possible scenario.

Layering systems are not created equal.

From base layer to outer layer, make sure your layering system offers permanent moisture wicking technology, wind and water resistance and the FR protection you need on the job.

Introducing Lakeland’s FR Layering System